Tuesday, March 26, 2013


People often ask me for fun and healthy food alternatives - these are just 3 that form part of my weekly meal plan! 

REPLACE: White rice/couscous/pasta



This slightly crunchy, nutty-flavoured health food is actually not a grain but a gluten-free seed from the spinach family, and is an awesome accompaniment to most meals such as fish or chicken. I even sometimes have it post-workout as a breakfast with berries, cinnamon and fat-free yoghurt, or added into a salad! It can be eaten in so many ways!

Protein content is very high (14% by mass), and it provides all 9 essential amino acids, making it a complete protein. It also contains twice the amount of fibre compared to other grains, contains iron, lysine, magnesium

It takes only 12 minutes to make and is pretty filling!

According to CalorieCount, 1/3 cup of cooked quinoa has 160 calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 3 grams of fiber and 6 grams of protein.

Available from most health shops, Spinneys, Carrefour and Geant.

REPLACE: High sugar sports drinks



I am addicted to the taste of coconut water and find it really helps to keep me hydrated during and after workouts as I find it difficult to drink a lot of water. It does however contain more calories of course than water - around 60 kcals - so best to drink in moderation - although if you are replacing a sports drink with coconut water, it is a much healthier and natural option! 

Coconut water is the liquid found inside young, green coconuts. It’s a great source of electrolytes, potassium, antioxidants, L-arginine, ascorbic acid, magnesium.

Available from Organics Food and Cafe and Ripe Market/Young coconuts from Spinneys, Carrefour, Geant




I LOVE bread but since I have cut it out of my diet I have really noticed a big change in my body composition. I have replaced bread with Mountain Bread oat wraps which is lower GI and not as heavy on the stomach. They only contain 69 calories each and 0.4g of fat - I am generous with the amount of lettuce or vegetables I place inside, and usually include tuna or chicken, roll and place in the oven to grill and become crispy for about 2 minutes. It’s delicious! 

Occasionally I will opt for Spelt bread - it’s a grain that contains fibre, protein, B-complex vitamins, manganese and zinc, and due to its high water solubility does not cause as many sensitivities in people as with most wheat products, although it’s not gluten free. 

It is however heavier than the oat wraps so I don’t have it too often - but if you are eating bread regularly you may consider replacing it with this healthier alternative :)

Available from Spinneys

Enjoy :-)

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