Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fitness plateau busters!!!!

Tips How to Avoid Fitness Plateaus!!!

1. Mix up your workout schedule to prevent plateau. While setting regular days for your workout, such as Monday, Wednesday and Friday, might fit nicely into your schedule, your body may quickly adapt and you will hit plateau. Instead, mix it up, working out for two days, and taking a day off, continuing this routine for six to eight weeks before taking an entire week off to reset the body system.

2. Replace your regular exercise with something new and light during your full week off. Instead of heavy aerobic exercise or weight lifting, spend the week walking, swimming or biking. Even yoga can be a great way to continue working the body with a more gentle form of exercise. Taking this time will help reset your body and allow you to enter your regular workout again without ever hitting a plateau.

3. Rest. Many people think that they will see better results in muscle gain and weight loss if they work out every day of the week; however, the opposite is true. Your body needs time to recuperate, allowing you to lose more weight and gain more muscle while at the same time slowing down the body's automatic plateau response. Never work out more than two or three days in a row without taking a full day of rest.

4. Prevent a workout plateau by carefully monitoring your body's metabolic needs. As your fitness level increases, you body will need more calories to maintain your metabolism. If you feel that you have hit a plateau, it may be because your body is not receiving the caloric intake it needs to work harder. Constant hunger accompanied by a workout plateau is a sure sign that you need to increase your caloric intake.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


There is so many different workouts  that you can find online or on youtube and half of these are not beneficial, people post these things just to get some profit but here this will not be case i will give you example of one great way of training ,honestly did this workout 3 days ago my chest are soooo sore and i spend only 40 min (with 5 min warm ups of course )
First thing that you need is stop watch or some timer (i used great app on ipad called seconds free).
Second thing choose 4 exercise (different angles) for example i did Olympic barbell flat bench press, incline barbell chest press, body weight chest dips and decline dumbell chest press.
target is to use 60,70% of your one rep max (i used 55kg) and to do as much blocks of 10 reps as you can in 5 min,break you can choose how much as you want,if you rush and you dont take breaks after 2-3 min min you will start to fail and it will be hard to finish full block so that means need for more recovery but time is still going :) like example at the end of 5 min i did 7 block of 10 reps and 4 more reps in last couple of second.
When you finish take paper and write that number so you can improve it next time.
Between each exercise take 3-4 min break to get ready for next hard 5 minutes!!!
Great way of changing workout a bit and run away from traditional pyramid systems,drop sets,super sets...and plus you can do all muscles groups using this type of training. (back,shoulders,arms)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Regular physical activity helps improve your overall health and fitness, and reduces your risk for many chronic diseases. Fitting regular exercise into your daily schedule may seem difficult at first,giving you the freedom to reach your physical activity goals through different types and amounts of activities each week.There is 7 days in a week you need to find 3-5 hours in that 7 days to live healty life style!For me one day without workout is bad day because i enjoy every training!
Its easier than you think.....

Sunday, April 14, 2013


Need some lunchtime salad inspiration? This one is so easy and takes only 5 minutes to make!



Smoked salmon

Sweet peppers

Sundried tomatoes



Cherry tomatoes

Mix together, drizzle with balsamic vinegar and olive oil and enjoy :)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


How does caffeine affect your body, especially when training?

We're not here to say whether you should or shouldn’t drink coffee, as everyone’s body is different and we all respond in different ways, but the pros and cons below can help you to make a better informed decision!


-Increased energy

-Can reduce muscle soreness after a workout

-Acutely, caffeine can increase the basal metabolic rate and enhance fat oxidation during exercise. It has been shown that plasma levels of free fatty acids increase 50-100 percent following caffeine ingestion. Thus, the increased availability of free fatty acids may lead to a glycogen-sparing effect and thereby delay fatigue. (according to

-Can improve continuous exercise time to exhaustion. This effect appears to increase as the duration of the event exceeds 30 minutes, but caffeine has also been shown to enhance performance during incremental exercise protocols lasting eight to 22 minutes and sprints lasting less than 90 seconds (according to

-Contains antioxidants antioxidants and polyphenols like chlorogenic acid and melanoidins.

-University of Utah scientists found people who drink four cups daily are 39 per cent less likely to suffer from cancers of the mouth and larynx. Four cups can also reduce the risk of type-2 diabetes.


-Cholesterol. Heavy consumption of boiled coffee elevates blood total and LDL      (“bad”) cholesterol levels.

-Coffee  can cause rapid or irregular heartbeats (cardiac arrhythmias).

-Dehydration - if you are training hard and sweating you should already be drinking a lot of water. Coffee is a diuretic,and if you drink a lot you will be losing even more fluid, so should be increasing your water intake even more, especially if training.

-Disturbance of sleep. Caffeine increases adrenaline and cortisol - its stimulant effects will make it more difficult to sleep and can increase agitation and stress.

-May increase risk of heart attacks.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Every day i meet new people with different goals,problems,different way of thinking about training and eating.
Most comon thing i hear every day is "can you please recommend me some diet?"
Honestly i think we should all stop using that word "diet" we should use only term healthy eating!!!
Whad diet means? its proven that 90 percent diets dont work or they work one period.
Every diet have stages:
1. we decide we will use some diet
2. we follow diet
3. back to old life style because we get bored of that diet

Maybe sounds a bit funny but its true,diet means we eat similar things all the time there is so many i know,atkins diet,hig protein diet ect problem with them there is no maintaining phase.
Proper way of thinking is to eat 5 small meals a day (breakfast,snack,lunch,snack and dinner),they all should be small meals protein based and complex carbs based (meat,vegetables),plus snacks like nuts,fruits ect...
We should eat things that mother earh made for us and to avoid processed food,junk food,fizzy drinks...
Nobady says we have to eat like that all the time and be snobs i have to admit i eat chocolates all the time :) but i workout hard and i try to eath healthy 80 percent of time!

Conclusion: for sexy body we need hard work in gym and HEALTHY EATING :)
Will give you couple months to try,you will see that i was right ;)