Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Every day i meet new people with different goals,problems,different way of thinking about training and eating.
Most comon thing i hear every day is "can you please recommend me some diet?"
Honestly i think we should all stop using that word "diet" we should use only term healthy eating!!!
Whad diet means? its proven that 90 percent diets dont work or they work one period.
Every diet have stages:
1. we decide we will use some diet
2. we follow diet
3. back to old life style because we get bored of that diet

Maybe sounds a bit funny but its true,diet means we eat similar things all the time there is so many i know,atkins diet,hig protein diet ect problem with them there is no maintaining phase.
Proper way of thinking is to eat 5 small meals a day (breakfast,snack,lunch,snack and dinner),they all should be small meals protein based and complex carbs based (meat,vegetables),plus snacks like nuts,fruits ect...
We should eat things that mother earh made for us and to avoid processed food,junk food,fizzy drinks...
Nobady says we have to eat like that all the time and be snobs i have to admit i eat chocolates all the time :) but i workout hard and i try to eath healthy 80 percent of time!

Conclusion: for sexy body we need hard work in gym and HEALTHY EATING :)
Will give you couple months to try,you will see that i was right ;)

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